Film Premiere of “Tobacco Slave”

“Tobacco Slave” is a new film by award-winning director Roy Maconachie, the Tobacco Control Research Group at the University of Bath, and tobacco industry watchdog STOP.

The film, which premiered at our VitalTalks Live event, exposes tobacco giant Imperial Brands and other companies through first-hand accounts from farmers in Malawi. They reveal how tobacco giants profit from contract systems that can keep tobacco farmers trapped in poverty, which also create an unsafe environment for children who frequently have to work to support their families.

The screening was followed by a panel discussion with the film’s director, Roy Maconachie, and investigative journalist Noy Thrupkaew.


  • The film’s director, Roy Maconachie, Filmmaker and Professor of Natural Resources and Development, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath
  • Noy Thrupkaew, Reporting Fellow and Director of the Ida B. Wells Fellowship Program at Type Investigations, TED Talk speaker
  • With remarks by Jorge Alday, Director, STOP
  • Moderation by Shakuntala Santhiran, an international broadcast journalist and professional moderator